Hello Everyone

Sup People, Long time no see, I haven’t been posting cause I have been busy with my job, oh BTW I have a job. I’m an Actor for some of my friends. My Friends company is called Legend Studios Alpha.  The Movie were making now is called JEFF I will post the script on my blog in a week when its finished.  Bye For now.

Breaking Records

Hey Everyone again, I would like you all to know my goal is to break the record of my views, and if you could tell me your usernames below, I will make sure to put it on the post if we beat that. And I will also probably have a party at my house, my address will be on that post celebrating.


Thanks Everyone, Bye


Hey everyone I went camping recently, I wouldn’t say It was the most fun but I still went camping…. Me and my friend Logan (Thanks for taking me with you Logan) Stayed up telling jokes until like what? 1? Anyways….At night I spilled boiling Hot Cocoa on my thumb, and got like a second degree burn, then I woke up at 7 (I went to sleep at 5) and so yah…that was my camping trip….


Thanks again Logan for letting me come with you! His website is https://logansarzalejo.wixsite.com/legendstudios1492 (I look like a retard in the pictures because those are the roles I usually play as 😛 )

Blog Part 2

Hello Everyone, I realized that whats the fun in a blog about one thing? Im gonna make it two. About whats going on in my life, like all the movies im in (Not legit movies made by Stan Lee and other people) But in movies made by some other 13 year olds that hang out with me ALOT. Anyways, If any one lives by Issaquah and like watching poorly edited movies, then umm…on June 20th is the day…..



My New Blog

OK So its still the same Blog, Its just about cars now… That’s right…I realized that who play Minecraft over the age of 13? Well Everyone should.  I’m not Judging You if you don’t.

I Will be posting weekly with some car facts and or me playing Forza Horizon 3 like a boss, OK I exaggerated…. and If I learn anything new in Minecraft I will post that!